Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Bold the Beautiful

Miss Bold made a trip to the vets yesterday to be spayed.  She was not happy about it but is enjoying a certain amount of coddling as part of her recovery.  She is supposed to have crate rest for the next week.  Her incision is looking good and she is eating well.  She especially enjoys having her own plate of food and not having to share with the others. 
I cut back my sweet potato vines today.  I've been meaning to do it for a while.  They were rampaging all over the place.  some were visiting the melons.  Some were outdoing the cucumbers on their own supports.  A few were saying hello to the tomatoes.  One was slogging through the onion patch to greet the okra..  They are currently back in their own area and I took a large mound of vines and gave them to the ducks and chickens.
When I first went out to the garden to work, the kittens were nowhere to be seen.  No sooner had a picked some summer squash than furry bodies appeared.  Blaze and Darth Fluffy were the first.  Moments later, Snip, Snippet and Tiger appeared.  Snip and Blaze were most determined to help me by getting under my feet and inspecting every cut I made with my hand pruners.  Sometimes the safest way to garden with cats is the scoop them up and snuggle them in your arms while someone else does the cutting.  Blaze and Snip love to be scooped and snuggled.
I picked my first burgundy okra and found three nice sized summer squash.  Some of the tomatoes are ready to pick and there are armloads of sweet banana peppers in every shade from yellow through orange and red.  Lots more to do.

1 comment:

  1. Here's hoping Bold is recovering wonderfully. Wow, your garden sounds like it's really going to town!! I love reading about the other cat antics!
